iNewsGh ~ iNewsGh

Sunday, 19 February 2012


iNewsGh is a blog yet to be launched. This blog seeks to bring unembellished news, entertainment, interviews and columns written by seasoned people. iNewsGh would also do a monthly publication of selected topics with the aim of educating its readers and the whole world at large. iNewsGh seeks to bring professionalism in our media. It would also bring out news article just as what happened and not as someone wants it to appear. With the internet and innovation we believe that we can carry and educate the world and when this is done, we can all clap for ourselves for the good work done so until 21st February, 2011 let’s keep our fingers crossed and let’s patiently wait for iNewsGh because it is sensational yet it keeps it original orientation

iNewsGh…………………….. just the fact


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