“It is not me who cures - God is the healer. I am simply the vessel” John of God
As a man, John of God possesses a commanding stature with a gentle dignity and sensitivity born out of humility. As a medium with extraordinary capabilities he is totally dedicated to the healing of others as directed by the spirit entities that work through him. For 43 years he has served as the channel for over 30 spirit entities who perform healing for the thousands every week who visit him at his center, the Casa de Dom Inácio de Loyola in Abadiânia, Brazil.
The healing entities who work through John of God are the spirits of deceased doctors, surgeons, masters and saints, each one, exceptional people during life on earth. As a full trance medium, the spirit Entity incorporates into his physical body so completely, during the sessions, that John of God has no recall of the work performed through him. Occasionally, the spirit Entity makes their identity known. More often, by distinct attributes in manner and speaking style, John of God?s helpers can identify which Entity is working through him. Principal among them is St. Ignatius Loyola, the Entity for whom Casa de Dom Inácio is named. Others are Oswaldo Cruz, a famous doctor in Brazil over 100 years ago, who eradicated yellow fever and was a key figure in the founding of Brasilia, Dr. Augusto de Almeida, a surgeon and spiritual master who performs many of the surgeries, and Dr. Jose Valdivino, a surgeon.
It is fitting that the spirit of St Ignatius of Loyola is the guiding Entity of John of God?s healing center. St Ignatius faced hardship, persecution and incarceration during his life in Spain in the 16th century at the time of the Spanish Inquisition. He founded the Jesuit Order as directed in visions. Medium John of God similarly faced extreme difficulties in the early years of his life because of his abilities as a medium and the healing work the entities directed him to do.
John of God, João de Teixeira de Faria was born in l942 in Goiás, Brazil. He was clairvoyant from an early age, able to predict many events and outcomes before they were reported in the press, in one incident saving the life of his mother and himself when he foresaw a devastating storm with flooding that seemed to come out of nowhere. He left school after the second grade.
When John was sixteen his life changed dramatically. He had been traveling from town to town looking for work, without much success, and was exhausted and hungry. He stopped near a stream and had a vision of a beautiful woman who told him he was needed in a nearby church in the town of Campo Grande (Matto Grosso) and to go there because people were waiting for him. He later realized the woman was the spirit of St. Rita of Cassia. He followed her directions, and as she had predicted, was welcomed at the church. That was all he remembered until hours later when he awakened and was told that King Solomon had incorporated in him and healed many people. He protested that hunger and exhaustion had made him faint, but the many witnesses to the healing miracles left no doubt that he had been the medium for extraordinary healing from the spiritual plane.
An intense period of instruction and guidance followed over the next several weeks. He was directed to dedicate his life to healing others and never to accept payment for this work, a guideline he follows to this day.
For 8 years John of God traveled the region finding work when he could in order to eat, devoting his remaining time to healing others. They came to him by the hundreds as word of his abilities spread. It was necessary not to stay in any one place for too long. Though he never profited from his mediumship, it threatened the local religious and medical authorities who set the police on him. Many times he was arrested and beaten and jailed.
When he could no longer take this persecution he obtained a job as a tailor for the military in Brasilia. In exchange for safety he performed healings on the military personnel and their families. This nine-year period ended when the spirit entities told him that his work must be made available to many instead of just the privileged few. He was guided to Abadiânia and established a center there in a small building off the main highway. In 1978 he moved the center to its present location, creating Casa de Dom Inácio. It is a beautiful setting overlooking the nearby expanse of hills and valleys centered on a natural energy vortex formed by quartz crystal bedrock beneath the surface.
Casa de Dom Inácio is a sanctuary of love and healing. The physical layout is well designed to accommodate the hundreds each day who gather there. The buildings are painted blue and white as John of God was guided to do in a vision of St. Ignatius and are surrounded by tall trees and flower gardens. The central building is a large meeting hall. John of God is there to perform healings every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
The morning session starts at 8:00 in the main hall and begins with instruction and prayer conducted by one of the Casa volunteers, who addresses the group from the dais in the front. Then a line is formed of people who have been scheduled in an earlier visit to have surgery. They are escorted into the invisible surgery room adjacent to the hall, where they sit on long benches or rest on stretchers, with eyes closed, preparing themselves with the guidance of the volunteers, for the invisible surgery to follow.
John of God now addresses the large crowd in the main hall, and as prayers are spoken incorporates the spirit Entity working through him, entering full trance. His ordinary consciousness is suspended, as his body becomes the vessel for the miraculous healing the spirits perform. His stature, gaze and speech are markedly different from the man, John. The love and power flowing from him is felt by all who are gathered there and makes real the exact nature of the John?s benign possession by the spirit Entity. As John of God says,
"It is not me who cures, God is the Healer, I am simply the vessel."
John–in-Entity then performs surgery on two or three people who requested visible surgery. Using a scalpel or knife he incises specific areas on the person, sometimes inserting his finger into the site and performing massage like motions. There is very little blood. The process includes a type of spiritual anesthesia/altered state during which little or no sensation is experienced by the patient. The cut is sutured and the person is taken to rest in the nearby recovery room where the surgical site is bandaged. The person is monitored until ready to leave, typically within an hour or less.
No one has ever suffered infection or complication from a physical surgery performed by John of God. For the person who receives a physical surgery miraculous healing is instantaneous or evident in the weeks and months that follow. For the group assembled to view them they are powerful confirmation of the work of the spirit entities which all can see are far beyond conventional experience. The effect is to raise the level of belief and attunement to the healing energies.
The physical surgeries also confirm the extraordinary gift medium John has of incorporating spirit. The man has no knowledge of medical or surgical practices, yet in Entity works quickly and precisely. As his friends and helpers will tell you, John the man, is disturbed by the sight of blood! The records of John of God’s healing are filled with astounding results from the physical surgeries including cures from trauma, cancer, paralysis, and degenerative diseases of all types.
When the physical surgeries are complete, John of God goes to the invisible surgery room where the people are quietly preparing themselves by prayer and intention. John of God gives this blessing to them, ”In the name of God you are healed.” And in that moment the invisible healing surgery is complete. Many in the room experience sensations in their bodies, others do not, all are touched by the collective of spiritual beings working in the room. The group is then given instruction for their recovery period. The invisible surgeries offer documented proof of the profound spirit healing that flows through John of God. In many instances medical scans performed afterwards have shown the presence of internal sutures, with no outside entry, and the disappearance of masses and tumors.
Whether visible or invisible it is paramount that the person who has received surgery complies with the post surgery instructions. The person must avoid sexual activity, and strenuous work and exercise for 40 days after the surgery. Rest is particularly necessary for the first eight days after which time the sutures are removed by spirit energy. Each must understand and respect that surgery has happened and the guidelines must be followed. A photograph of each one who has had surgery is taken. It is the means of further healing by the spirit entities on that person for the next full year. It is common for recipients of healing to feel the presence of the spirit entities and work being performed on them well after they leave the Casa and are home.
The rest of each session is devoted to the people who line up one by one to pass before John of God. The hundreds of visitors are divided into first time visitors and repeat visitors. They file quietly from the main hall into the First Current Room past other visitors seated on benches in prayer and meditation, who have already seen John of God on a previous day and are in the room to receive additional healing energy and upliftment. Through there the line files into the Second Current Room where John-in-Entity is seated at the front. To his right are several rows of house mediums, gifted volunteers who are powerful meditators. Their energy as a group is said to provide grounding on this physical earth plane for the work of the spirit entities.
The spirit Entity scans each individual who comes before John of God, and treatment is prescribed. Many are given an herbal prescription, vibrational medicine in a carrier herb, to be filled at the Casa dispensary. Crystal bed treatments may also be ordered. In this form of energy treatment the person lies resting for 20 minutes below an array of light and crystals that influence the seven main energy centers/Chakras. Others are told when to return for surgery and still others are directed to sit in the Current Room on the benches to the left of John of God.
As the morning session ends, visitors receive vegetable soup prepared in the Casa kitchen that is nourishing and healing. Many also purchase energized spring water available at the crystal shop. Like the soup, the water is charged with healing properties by the spirit entities.
If it is indicated and permission is granted, visitors may go to the Sacred Waterfall at some point during their stay. A short distance from the Casa, it is a refreshing and healing experience of the nature spirits of this beautiful land, and much healing and guidance is received there.
At 2 p.m. the afternoon session begins, following a similar schedule as the morning. The afternoon session continues until every person has passed before John of God. By the end of the day, as is the case every day, hundreds have been seen and touched by the miraculous healing energy of the spirits of Casa de Dom Inácio.
source: healingrequest
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