Implement ROPAA In Dec. 2012 Elections; Ghanaians Abroad Petitioned CHRAJ ~ iNewsGh

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Implement ROPAA In Dec. 2012 Elections; Ghanaians Abroad Petitioned CHRAJ

The Coalition For The Implementation Of Ropaa In 2012 Elections, is demanding from the Electoral Commission (EC) to ensure that Ghanaians living abroad, who are of voting age are duly registered and offerd the opportunity to exercise their franchise in the coming elections.
According to the Coalition, it came as a great joy and excitement for Ghanaians leaving abroad when in  2005 there was a passage of the law which allows Ghanaian expatriates to exercise their constitutional right to vote in Ghanaian elections.
“Our  question is, “why is it that although Act 699 has longed been passed but the EC has failed to take the necessary initiatives for all Ghanaians to exercise their right to vote”? If the EC have been compelled by the supreme court to allow prisoners to vote under same amendments of a law, then there is no justification for the EC to also ignore a provision of the constitution just as in creation of constituencies.”‘
They are petitioning the Commissioner for Human Ruman Right And Administrative Justice, to compel the EC to take all the necessary precaution or steps to ensure that the every Ghanaian leaving abroad, who is illegible to vote, is duly registered so as to exercise their constitutional, legal and fundamental human rights in order to vote in the 2012 general elections.
“We should know that the combined effects of ROPAA and Article 42 of the 1992 Constitution impose a mandatory responsibility on the Government of Ghana and the Electoral Commission to allow every Ghanaian of 18 and above and of sound mind the CHANCE to be registered and to vote.”
The passage of ROPAA, enables Ghanaians abroad to vote, as, holders of dual citizenship. The coalition said, ”it is therefore unconstitutional and also violation of our fundamental human rights if we are not permitted to vote in the 2012 elections.”
“We have taking this option because we trust in your administration. However if no effort is made, we will have no choice but to proceed to the supreme court for assistance.”
source: spyghana


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