Top 20 most popular artist ~ iNewsGh

Monday, 17 September 2012

Top 20 most popular artist

1. Drake- United States of America;  96,868, 398 shares
2. Ed-Sheeran- United Kingdom; 43,314,568 shares
3. Laura Pausini- Italy; 33,226,258 shares
4. Kanye West- Canada;23, 953035 shares
5. Billy Van- Brazil; 19, 677,596 shares
6. Hilltops Hoods- Australia; 19,104,047 shares
7. Pablo Alboran- Spain; 10,306,829 shares
8. Billy Van- India; 8,965,271 shares
9. Sexion d'assaut- France; 8,400,869 shares
10. Maroon 5- Philippines; 8,351,260  shares
11. Jesse y Joy- Mexico; 7,522,865 shares
12. Birdy- Netherlands; 6,671,428 shares
13. Pablo Alboran- Portugal; 5,597,198 shares
14. Gotye-Poland; 5,059,204 shares
15. Billy Van-Greece; 4,919,567 shares
16. Pitbull-Hungary; 4,470,948 shares
17. Los Bunkers- Chile- 4,210,641 shares
18. Billy Van- Romania; 4,152,252 shares
19. Laleh-Sweden; 4,074,594 shares
20. Gotye- Belgium; 3,880,900 shares.

P.S; The countries does not represent where the artist come from but rather where their influences are.

Data provider: Musicmetric

source: iNewsGh


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