Literature: ‘Ruthie Da Fatty’(The Girl You Love To Hate) ~ iNewsGh

Friday, 23 November 2012

Literature: ‘Ruthie Da Fatty’(The Girl You Love To Hate)

I’m not the kind of girl who was born with beauty.
I’m not qualified to be called cutie.
But I’m still me though,I’m Ruthie.
The girl most guys frown on.
If you take me out you probably wouldnt get a coupon.
I dont blame myself,I blame my Creator.
Maybe He forgot to Fix my body and face,maybe He just Said Later.
Friends come and go,I’m nobody to know.
If time changes everything,then why am I still the same.
Nobody cares to say hello,I guess they’ve forgotten my name.
I stand so tall,yet I’m not seen.
People see me and ask,’is it yet halloween?
I try to defend myself,yet they’re so mean.
I dont have a life,my mum disowned me when I was five.
My life aggravated when I came came to college.
I signed up for Drama class and I became the Drama.
Kids made fun of me,Some said I looked old like a Grandma.
I’m a nice person,but people are so judgemental.
They judge me,yet they dont want to know me.
Everyday I drown myself in my own tears.Afraid of going near people,my
low-self esteem.
If Shrek was real,we will be such a perfect team.
What does this world has against me.
‘I was born for a purpose’ I keep telling myself that to elevate me.
If I die today,who will visit me?
My dreams cheer me up,But there’s no hope for the future.
I’ll always be single cos there’s no one like me in nature.
I’m just existing,not living.
The only crime I did was to be born this way.Its true when they say crime pays
I cant be around people,they find me awkward.
I move close to people,they move ten walks forward.
I get close to a guy,he screams and calls the police.
Paul was a nice guy,but he never really liked me.
To him,I was the entertainment at his birthday party.
I’m used to them calling me ‘Ruthie da fatty’
You probably didnt know but that’s the only way I’d be remembered.
Cos to them my days were numbered.

Written by Prince Frimpong

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