55 years after indepedence and still............ ~ iNewsGh

Monday, 5 March 2012

55 years after indepedence and still............

God bless our homeland Ghana
And make our nation great and strong
Bold to defend forever
Fill our hearts with truth and humility……….

The national Anthem! Sounds great doesn’t it? The composers of this anthem un debatably had the interest of the nation at heart. Patriotism was described perfectly in the song ‘’y3nara y’asaase ni’'. This is what I call patriotism. People in the past were willing to die for the country but can we say the same for our current generation?

Fortunately most of our leaders claim to love our country but their actions don’t prove so. All what he needs to do is to live behind a mask and do all the bad things and defraud the country of our money and come to television with his polished face and pretend that nothing happened. We now live in a country where most of the ‘’mask’’ our leaders wear are the mask of friendship and leadership.

We are all familiar with the classic tale of back-stabbing romance that tells how Miles Standish lost the love of his fair Priscilla. He trusted his best friend John Alden to ‘’fix them up.’’ Well Alden tried but Priscilla said, ‘’speak for yourself, Johnny’’ and in the end it was John who got the girl. But as Shakespeare once said, ‘’Most friendship is feigning; most loving mere folly.’’ Miles should have studied up on his Shakespeare and done the job himself.

The mask of friendship is all around us, as some ‘’phantoms’’ want to win our trust and then betray us and that is how our leaders are. Once they have won our trust they betray us by stealing from us. Their deceptive mask they wear can victimize the people they govern and take their money and destroy their trust.

Take for instance the Europeans, when they came to Gold Coast they came as people who wanted to help the country but look at what they did to us. They took our money and before long left us with nothing, left us with a polarized country and left us divided. They really showed us that all what everyone in that top position wants is money and nothing else and I think that our leaders of today have demonstrated this far enough.

Many of our leaders are comparable to the old time quack doctors who sold phony remedies. Only that today’s ‘’quack’’ leaders don’t have to travel miles of distance to sell ‘’phony’’ ideas. All what they do is to use today’s technology and voila they would reach and ‘’touch someone.’’ It is therefore not surprising that most of the monies stolen are stolen by our leaders of today. Beware of mask of ‘’the friend of the people’’ and remember that when the offer sounds good to be true, it probably is.

Benjamin Franklin once wrote ‘’he that is of the opinion that money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money.’’ Where is the link here? Most of the people in Ghana are with the perception that money will do everything so they do all they can do to make sure that they get into these top positions just to get money. And this is how the story of most corrupt people begins and unfolds. Can we therefore pretend that there is nothing wrong and that we have great heroes? Let’s go back to those days when our leaders were those who slept on empty stomach, those days when our leaders were the ones who slept on the floors so that their followers can sleep in the room and sleep with a full belly.

Song lyrics from Phantom of the Opera proclaim, ‘’A nation waits, and how it hates to be cheated!’’ But it seems that this nation has adopted cheating as a survival tactics. We’re taught that we have to be tough to be successful, even if toughness isn’t our personality. Now ‘’who is who’’ really becomes a complicated game but how can we tell when everyone is busy trying to be like someone else?

Also take, for example, pastors who claim they can make barren women give birth by making them shed their shirts during ‘’examinations.’’ He would simply answer when asked what they were doing with the naked women ‘’I was asked by God to do that.’’ So what was God or they checking for? Because the last time I checked God was closer to us than our clothes?
                                                                                                                   Joseph Yaw Frimpong
                                                                                                                  iNews Gh, editor
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