By Becca Longmire On June 29, 2012 R. Kelly Opens Up About Feud With Jay-Z: 'He Stormed Offstage!' ~ iNewsGh

Friday, 29 June 2012

By Becca Longmire On June 29, 2012 R. Kelly Opens Up About Feud With Jay-Z: 'He Stormed Offstage!'

R.Kelly's book 'Soulacoaster: The Diary Of Me' has been released and sees him open up having a feud with his tourmate Jay-Z in their joint tour.
Talking about his altercation with the rapper while they were promoting their joint album "The Best of Both Worlds", Kelly claimed he was so upset that he stormed offstage and went to McDonald's. "But this time, I didn't go eat. I asked the guy working the drive-through window for a uniform, and for the next three hours, I served Big Macs, fries and Cokes to customers," he recounted.
Jay-Z in McDonalds? What?
Meanwhile, R Kelly has also officially postponed a number of upcoming public appearances due to a 'health emergency'.
The star is reportedly suffering from a mysterious "health emergency" that has caused the singer to cancel the R. Kelly Book Launch event in New York City due to a "health emergency".
R Kelly's representative broke the news to, explaining that the singer has been forced to remain in Chicago: "[R Kelly has been forced to cancel his NYC appearance] due to a health emergency that has sidelined Mr. Kelly in Chicago... We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused."


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