Dr Kumbuor Sued Over “False Assassination” Story ~ iNewsGh

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Dr Kumbuor Sued Over “False Assassination” Story

The Attorney General and Minister for Justice, Dr. Benjamin Kumbuor, is gearing up for a Supreme Court showdown with the Centre for National Affairs (CNA) over allegations that he staged an assassination attempt on himself.

 The CNA - the plaintiff in the case - is asking the highest court of the land to declare Dr. Kumbuor’s continuous stay in office a violation of Article 284 of the Constitution.

That aspect of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana states: “A public officer shall not put himself in a position where his personal interest conflicts or is likely to conflict with the performance of the functions of his office.”

The Civil Society Organisation stressed in its Statement of Claim Dr. Kumbuor’s alleged faked assassination attempt on himself constitutes a misconduct that puts his personal interest in direct conflict with the functions of his office.

“The AG’s department must be dignified,” Rockie Obeng, a senior policy analyst of the CNA told Citifmonline.com. “Dr. Kumbuor must step aside. State resources were used to conduct forensic investigations on his car, why must we keep quiet.”

He added: “If you are indicted by the Ghana Police Service you won’t stay in office, but must be taken to court to defend yourself. He [Kumbuor] is just like any other citizen of Ghana and must go and defend that.”

“It does not lie in our wisdom to determine conflict of interest so we have to go to the court to determine that. We feel that in the interest of deepening democracy that must not be the case and shouldn’t be the precedence. His continous stay is a breach of Article 284.”

In 2010 Dr. Kumbuor made an official complaint to the police alleging that there had been an assassination attempt on his life, however, the CNA argues that its subsequent study of police investigative report shows that the senior minister was indicted for fabricating those allegations.



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