He said: "Part Indian... I think Inuit or something? I’m enough per cent that in Canada I can get free gas.”
Now The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples are unhappy as they feel the Biebs, 18, has enforced a stereotype that they have fought hard to dispel.
National Chief Betty Ann Lavallee said: "These kinds of remarks are another example of what Aboriginal Peoples in Canada struggle with every day.”
"It promotes the misconception that we are somehow getting a free ride. This simply is not the case and we are concerned that many people may believe what he said."
Dwight Dorey, the congress’s national vice-chief, added: “We have enough issues with racism and stereotyping.”
“A young, high-profile entertainer like Justin has a huge following. He has a major impact on young people. That concerns me.”
"Given that Mr. Bieber is still a young man, and unaware of the facts here, I personally don't think he should be beat up over this comment. We don't think he was trying to be malicious, or making a joke of aboriginal issues."
JB really needs to learn to think before words just fall out of his mouth.
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