Justin Bieber In Trouble Over Racist Comment ~ iNewsGh

Monday, 6 August 2012

Justin Bieber In Trouble Over Racist Comment

Justin Bieber is in trouble again! The Biebs made a comment to Rolling Stone magazine that could be construed as racist and people are not happy about it. The teen singer was telling the magazine about his heritage when he made a flippant remark about assuming he could get ‘free gas’ in Canada because he was part Inuit.
He said: "Part Indian... I think Inuit or something? I’m enough per cent that in Canada I can get free gas.”
Now The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples are unhappy as they feel the Biebs, 18, has enforced a stereotype that they have fought hard to dispel.
National Chief Betty Ann Lavallee said: "These kinds of remarks are another example of what Aboriginal Peoples in Canada struggle with every day.”
"It promotes the misconception that we are somehow getting a free ride. This simply is not the case and we are concerned that many people may believe what he said."
Dwight Dorey, the congress’s national vice-chief, added: “We have enough issues with racism and stereotyping.”
“A young, high-profile entertainer like Justin has a huge following. He has a major impact on young people. That concerns me.”
"Given that Mr. Bieber is still a young man, and unaware of the facts here, I personally don't think he should be beat up over this comment. We don't think he was trying to be malicious, or making a joke of aboriginal issues."
JB really needs to learn to think before words just fall out of his mouth.


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